My Novella & Short Stories

Meet Prometheus Jones, the protagonist of The Corporatorium, my absurdist, hysterical faux memoir of life in Corporate America. The story is told episodically in a series of weekly blog posts. Read Season One here. Season Two starts August 1, 2018.

Vampire Rising isn't really about Vampires. It is about anyone who is different and subjugated because of that difference. It is about love found in hopeless places. It is, in short, us.

Vampire Rising, an allegorical novella
"To be a Vampire is to know your pale skin,
and red lips offend others."

It’s the mid twenty-first century. Anti-Semitism, racism, sexism and homophobia have been consigned to the dustbin of history. The world is run by “the state,” and Christian zealots, whose chief governing tools are fear and oppression. It’s a wonderful time to be alive—unless you’re a Vampire. Vampires are despised, and feared, and subjected to discrimination and unspeakable violence.

When Barnabas is mortally wounded during an anti-Vampire attack, Gatsby must forget everything he has known, and learn to trust.

Vampire Rising Book Trailer


Damaged Angels, a collection of short stories
2013 Rainbow Award Runner-Up, Best Gay Contemporary General Fiction

Welcome to the Merry-Go-Round where love struggles to grow in the shadows under the rainbow.

The 13 stories in this collection give voice to the invisible, the damaged: the drug addicts and hustlers, the mentally ill, the confused, and the men who fall in love with them, all of them bravely trying to make a place for themselves in the world of unbroken men. These stories explore the possibility that less-than-perfect is sometimes perfect.

Damaged Angels Book Trailer


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