I’m a Libra. I try for balance in all areas of my life. But I’m a Libra—the scales often tip more one way than another. Anyone who knows me knows that I sometimes become obsessed by random things. This week it appears it was the birth of the #RoyalBaby. To me, no matter what they name him, he will always be #RoyalBaby. This is, after all, the age of Twitter. From the moment I booted up my computer and saw the MSN breaking news was Kate was in labor, I was hooked. My first tweet of the day read: Dear Boss: I can't come in today. Kate's in labor. She needs me. #RoyalBaby Of course I went to work. I may be obsessive but I also have a mortgage to pay. Still, like a cat, I was fascinated by all the bright shiny things that comprised news of the #RoyalBaby’s imminent arrival. Like a cat after a ball of string, all day, I chased news across Twitter and CNN. One cranky friend, apparently tired of my breathless Facebook updates wrote, “Dear God...